Provet - Australasia's Premier Veterinary Distributor

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Veterinary practice or company staff with an approved Provet Online account can view details of our promotions, post and manage Classifieds listings and access materials for veterinary professionals.

Requesting access to our website will not let you view pricing or place orders. To open an account with Provet or to apply for online ordering through Provet Connect, contact your local branch in Australia or New Zealand, or contact the Provet Exports team if you are not in either of these countries.

To request access, please fill out the form below. When your account is created by Provet, a confirmation link will be sent to the email you have registered with. Please follow the link to finish setting up your account.

New requests for access are reviewed and subject to approval by Provet during office hours. Please allow a minimum of 3 business days for your request to be processed. Provet reserves the right not to an approve a request for access for any reason.

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